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Body Language: A Roadmap to Success

"Can power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways?" To get a better understanding of what our body language is communicating about us to others, let's dive into a groundbreaking TED Talk titled "Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist and Harvard Business School professor. In this talk, she dives into the concept of how body language not only influences how others perceive us but also how we perceive ourselves—the key insights from Cuddy's talk and understanding how our physical expressions can sculpt our narrative.

Amy Cuddy discusses the main essence, i.e., "power posing." Power posing involves adopting broad and open postures that convey confidence, dominance, and a feeling of authority. These postures contrast closed and defensive postures, which leads to a sense of vulnerability and insecurity. She did her research with the help of a couple of people. She told them to do a high-power or a low-power pose, which revealed that assuming high-power poses for just a couple of minutes can lead to increased testosterone levels (by 20%) associated with confidence and assertiveness and decreased cortisol levels (by 25%) linked to stress. This hormonal shift can influence performance in high-stakes situations, increasing self-confidence and reducing stress. She explained it with an example: In MBA classes, some people come and spread out. They occupy space and confidently raise their hands. On the other hand, some people will come and make them self-tiny and raise their hand unconfidently.

In her TED talk, Cuddy also discusses "impostor syndrome," where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being accused of fraud. She suggests that adopting power poses can balance these feelings, helping people build a stronger sense of self-assuredness and self-efficacy. The idea that a strong posture could positively impact our emotional state is captivating and empowering. She used the phrase 'FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT".

Furthermore, Cuddy discusses how these findings apply to various life scenarios. For instance, she explores that job interviews can be anxiety-inducing, potentially restricting individuals from showcasing their true abilities. Cuddy's research showed that people who had done high-power poses before the interview were the ones who got selected. As adopting power poses before the interview can positively affect one's self-perception, leading to better performance.

She encourages her audience to stand tall, embrace their inner worth, and harness the power of nonverbal communication to enhance their lives. She offers a fresh perspective on the connection between mind and body. Cuddy's research encourages us to possess in formulating our self-image. It reminds us that, even in challenging circumstances, small changes in posture can lead to significant transformations in our lives."



Surabhi Jalan

Batch 2023-25

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6 commentaires

Divya Jalan
Divya Jalan
05 sept. 2023

Simple yet effective techniques to instantly alleviate one’s craft! Kudos.


02 sept. 2023

Very well written👏


Prabha Choudhary
Prabha Choudhary
02 sept. 2023

Very well written…


Ashirvad Samanta
Ashirvad Samanta
02 sept. 2023

Very insightful. It's a must read.


02 sept. 2023

Very well written🌸

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