Uncanny, Unearthly, eerie, creepy, spooky and weird – They are all synonyms.
Yes, at least the dictionary says it! But weird to Allen edge is anything disperse from average. He remonstrates an environment where people find conformity rewarding.
An actor, director, producer, and stand-up comedian with over forty years in the performing arts, Allen D. Edge is unconventional in the way he perceives weird. He recognizes weird as a competence.
Weird isn’t bad,
Weird isn’t negative,
Weird isn’t Unusual.
-Because, We are all weird!
Edge talks about Labels and he rightly states “Labels are for the lazy”.
Why do we have to label people?
Why do we have to act, think or behave a certain way?
Why do have to stick to the norms?
And why are we afraid to do what we love to do just because we thought its weird?
Albert Einstein, one of the smartest individuals ever existed on the planet, was considered weird during childhood for eating live insects on ground and weeping while playing violin. Even his mother called him a “dummy”.
If Einstein was considered a weirdo, Not normal or weird must be a proud tag to carry!
Anybody that do not fit in our norms, we consider weird. But, we often tend to forget the fact that human beings are complex and everyone’s thoughts, skills, ideas and interests are divergent. How beautiful would it be if we could celebrate our differences and acknowledge our love for what we love to do without the fear of judgements?
Imagine a space where all of us could have the benefit of truly being our weird selves, breaking out of the norms that our societies ,families, friends or interest groups dump on us
Imagine we are set free and are allowed to not follow the status quo’s and the supposed to's.
Imagine you could sail your life boat, the way you want it. No policies to govern your choices, No strategies to judge your needs.
Would you be who you are do what you love to do?
I would!
“ I am what I am and that’s all that I am, I am still a supper hero, I have the ability to download the heart and mind of a character and tell stories that transforms lives, I will do it, I will do whatever it takes, no matter how uncanny, unearthly, eerie, creepy or weird.”
~ Allen D. Edge